$1650 Aud - Early Bird
(before May 2017)
$1850 Aud
6 nights' accommodation
Airport pick-up
Daily breakfast
Complimentary massage
A Cultural event
Daily Program
6.45 am Meditation
7.30 am Yoga asana
9.15 am Breakfast
10.30 am Dharma talk
& Meditation
12.00 pm Break
4.15 pm Pranayam, Restoratives, Inquiry & Meditation
6.00pm Break
Paul Wooden has been exploring yoga and meditation for over 30 years has for years been interested in the deeper dimensions of yoga.
He is committed to continuing to invite the wider yoga community to explore the infinitely rich tradition of yoga beyond the physical.
In his teachings, he draws from his experience with many different styles and traditions through a practical understanding of their underlying unifying principals weave together a coherent and integrated approach to yoga.
Join us in tranquil beauty of Bali
this July for a week long immersion
in the deeper dimensions of yoga.
The mind has a powerful influence on our lives and often unconsciously frames the way we approach our yoga practice.
By drawing the field of the mind into our practice we can dramatically increase the scope of what unfolds for us.
In this retreat we will be cultivating a more intimate relationship with the subtle
terrain of our own minds through
inquiry, meditation,and mindful asana.
The mind holds deep and subtle templates
of tension, often unseen and more
enduring than the body.
We can find ourselves working with the
body through asana and breathwork to release these tension patterns,
but, unless we address the subtle
holding patterns in the mind,
the body and breath will continue
to return to the influence of the mind.
The mind is an endlessly interesting
subject and a central key in yoga,
a key to our suffering and also our understanding and freedom.
Paul Wooden is a yoga teachers' teacher.
It's hard to convey the deep richness of
his teaching nor the exceptional skill and mastery that he uses in his work.
He has a massive depth of theoretical
and practical knowledge of all areas
of yoga study.
Personally i consider being Paul's student
to be essential to my ongoing training and development as a yoga student,
yoga teacher and a student of life.
Thank you, Paul
Clare Heywood
Director, Sun Yoga