Intimate Encounters with Nature



Be a part of the solution
We at Wild Dharma are committed to integrating our key values of
Wild Dharma Eco Resort aims to be a model for environmental
and socially responsible development.
Our vision is to play our part in nudging humanity
a little further towards sanity and maturity.
Wild dharma is committed to being a part of the solution
We at Wild Dharma take and integrated approach to development. We firmly believe that health and wellbeing includes the personal, the social and the environmental.
We take a whole systems approach.
We are well past the time when we can leave any of these out if we want effective results.
The global inequities, social unrest, mental health epidemics and environmental destruction is not the result of a balanced and mature human perspective.
We need to be addressing our inner lives as much as the external problems.
“The connection between what we are doing to ourselves
and what we are doing to the planet isn’t metaphorical”
This work requires an internal recalibration if we are to discover a renewed intimacy with ourselves, with others and with the natural world..
This really is an intimate process of befriending life.
This process is baked in to your time at Wild Dharma where we support you, in your own way, to find more intimate and nourishing ways to touch and be touched by life.
To re-connect with what is of most value to you

Personal Wellbeing
Transforming People

Social Responsibility
Transforming Communities

Environmental Stewardship
Transforming the Future
We believe travel can be an agent for change and a force for good in the world.
It can be a regenerative and life enhancing experience for our guests, for the local communities and the environment.
Regenerative travel is the new best practice in travel and the cutting edge of market trends.
It seeks a positive outcome for everyone involved.
Travellers these days want to know they are having a positive impact on the places they visit.
We are committed to development that includes the needs of the local communities,

There is an enormous amount of local knowledge and skills that go unrecognised. and unrewarded.
This includes weaving, carving, forest and marine knowledge among other things. There is plenty of scope for collaborative exchanges between our guests and the local people here.
We hope to provide market opportunities so they can earn a living and also preserve those skills within the community.

We plan to set up a small medical clinic that will provide primary healthcare and support the local communities. Many in the local area simply don't have access to health care, It's expensive and too far away. We hope to establish a small clinic to help track the major health concerns the locals deal with., especially among the children.
A high proportion of health issues are poverty related and lack of proper nutrition.

Poverty is the main driver behind many of the challenges the local people face..
Too often, even as development comes to an area the local people miss out on the benefits.
We will be providing and creating job opportunities in the local area and doing what we can to improve the education opportunities for the younger members of the community.
A pristine natural environment is one of the main reasons people come to Palawan
and it is important to preserve as an essential asset for the people of Palawan and future generations.

Wild Dharma is a nesting site for several species of turtles. Every year we release hundreds of baby turtles into the sea. We are working in partnership with a local marine education group to document and protect these and other marine species. This includes reef protection measure as these act as fish nurseries.
Healthy coral reefs support healthy fish numbers which supports the local communities.

The pristine nature of our rainforest reserve provides a unique opportunity for guests to experience some of Palawan's unique and rare wildlife in their own habitat.
Monkeys, monitor lizards, the elusive bearcat, otters, civets, wild boar, Palawan skunk and Palawan's peacock-pheasants, and countless birds and marine life.
With the help of local guides intimate encounters with rare wildlife is almost guaranteed.

Palawan is a part of the famous coral triangle which has been under threat from over fishing and reef destruction for decades, We play a small part in reef restoration and education with the help of a local marine care group. We have several coral gardens right off the beach in good condition and our aim is to protect these reefs as a part of a larger education program help regenerate other coral reefs in the area.

We are completely off grid. In keeping with our goal to be a zero-carbon resort. All of our energy will come from renewable sources, mainly solar and micro hydro systems.
We have an abundance of clean fresh mountain water which is important to the local communities as a primary source of water.

Food gardens will be seamlessly woven in to the resort landscaping. We intend establishing organic permaculture gardens to provide ample fresh organic food for our restaurant and also to provide a model for the local people who tend not to grow or eat too much fresh fruits and vegetables.
This also enhances the guest experience where they can participate in the gardens to plate process if they so choose, all as part of the whole systems regenerative travel experience.

We are completely off grid. In keeping with our goal to be a zero-carbon resort. All of our energy will come from renewable sources, mainly solar and micro hydro systems.
We have an abundance of clean fresh mountain water which is important to the local communities as a primary source of water.
Body, mind and soul nourishing experiences are the staple for guests of Wild Dharma.
Intimate and transformative encounters with self, others and nature.

Yoga and meditation are time tested methods of opening heart and mind to the rich and subtle beauty of life.
A healthy body and mind is essential for us to get the best out of ourselves and our staff. A healthy and balanced work week includes, good food, good exercise, good rest good work and good play. This will be encouraged.

One of the main features of a
Wild Dharma experience will be the food. Guests will be surrounded by food. Guests are invited into the whole process of food growing, harvesting and preparing if they so desire.
Fresh, delicious meals are an important part of daily life at
Wild Dharma.

We believe if we take good care of our staff and everyone who encounters Wild Dharma, they will in turn take care of us. We are definitely from the win/win school of management. When staff is invested in our vision it makes for a happier and more productive business all round. Staff will be encouraged to participate in the very same life enhancing activities our guests do so they have first hand experience of what our guest are doing.

Our guests are invited to avail themselves of the many body centred treatments on offer.
these are an integral part of the overall experience for our guests and our staff.
A settled and relaxed nervous system makes for a more clear and responsive human being.

One of the main features of a
Wild Dharma experience is the stunning natural environment.
Nature has a profound effect on the human experience and we intend to accentuate this by encouraging guests to open themselves to the sublime natural beauty all around us.
At Wild Dharma we see intimate encounters with nature as a fundamental source of nourishment.

The overall experience for all involved with regenerative travel experience is the whole systems approach. the individual experience the social and the environmental integration make its clear to our guests that they are contributing to the future health of the area. they are an active part of the solutions. This has a nourishing effect on the human soul